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2016-06-01 来源:投稿责任编辑:未填 浏览数:未显示 中贸商网-贸易商务资源网


“2016中国与亚洲鞋业国际峰会”将于2016年9月20日至21日于中国深圳东海朗廷酒店隆重举行。本次会议由上海希为投资管理有限公司主办, 艾利丹尼森,TUV等赞助。




    业界****精彩演讲
    200+国内外鞋业及相关企业决策人交流

    中国制鞋业发展现状及转型升级
    2016年中国与亚洲鞋业进出口现状及趋势
    美国鞋业市场,TPP**进展及其影响解读
    孟加拉鞋业发展现状和机遇以及挑战
    印度鞋业发展现状和机遇以及挑战
    小组讨论:新形势下,中国与亚洲鞋业展望
    工业4.0及中国制造2025对中国鞋业和制造业带来的变革
    自动化和智能化生产促进鞋业的转型升级
    精益制造和创新的鞋生产及加工技术
    创新的技术解决方案助力制鞋业
    鞋业自动化生产的**实践
    小组讨论:**生产技术对鞋业发展的影响及其展望
    适应中国和亚洲鞋业的不断变化,进行创新高效的采购供应链管理
    品牌/ 零售商如何管理库存—鞋业如何从中得到启发
    电商时代下鞋业供应链管理和生产制造
    小组讨论:新形势下如何进行有效的采购供应链管理
    创新和**的新材料研发打造高品质鞋
    系统性管理供应链上的化学测试
    鞋厂可持续发展策略
    3D打印技术促进鞋业发展


联系人:Angel Xie
电话:+86 21 6605 9539  ext. 627

联系人:Lisa Li
电话:+86 21 6605 9539 ext 820

    China & Asia Footwear Summit 2016

China & Asia Footwear Summit 2016 will be held in the Langham Hotel Shenzhen, China on September 20-21 2016. The Summit is organized by ECV International Shanghai Co. and sponsored by AVERY DENNISON, TUV and so on.

China’s main role within the footwear industry has been mostly production, trade, and consumption. In the last 20 years, China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, and other Asian countries have experienced rapid development in the footwear industry and become the most important bases by producing over 80% of the total footwear output of the world.
Under the new globalization trend, the rise development of Industry 4.0 as well as combined with the “Made in China 2025” Strategy, this shows Material and Labour is not only key competiveness factors. The footwear industry needs to leap forward into intelligent manufacturing in order to strive.
This summit focus is to induce insightful discussion of the footwear industry from the global perspectives of new material development, sourcing, and speed-up supply chain management; with a predominate focus on footwear manufacturing reform such as new technologies, automatic revolution, C2M manufacturing chain, ecommerce, and etc.
Furthermore, this summit aims at network key players within the industry, in order to share valuable and enriching information; such as the latest global policies and standards, strategies, government incentive support policy, also global marketing trends of the industry. It firmly will be a good platform and opportunity to network and learn more.

China & Asia Footwear Summit 2016:
    Wonderful Speeches by the Executives of Well-known Footwear and relative Enterprises
    200+ Decision Makers and Industry Authorities from Footwear and Relative Enterprises at Home and Abroad

This forum will focus on the hot topics as below,
    Current Development and Transformation & Upgrading of China Footwear
    Current Status of Imports & Exports of China & Asia Footwear in 2016
    Current Development of American Footwear Market, Latest Progress of TPP and its Impact
    Current Development and Opportunities & Challenges of Bangladesh Footwear Industry
    Current Development and Opportunities & Challenges of Indian Footwear Industry
    Panel Discussion: Prospective of China & Asia Footwear
    Transformation on China Footwear Industry Brought by Industry 4.0 and the “Made in China 2025”
    Automated and Intelligent Manufacturing Promote the Transformation & Upgrading of Shoemaking Industry
    Lean Manufacturing and Innovative Production & Processing Technology
of Footwear
    Innovative Technology Solutions help Footwear Manufacturing
    Best Practice of Automatic Footwear Manufacturing
    Panel Discussion: Prospects of Footwear Industry with Advanced Production Technology
    Adapt to Constant Change of China & Asia Footwear, and Carry out Effective Procurement Supply Chain Management
    How Brands/Retailers Manage Stock – What the Footwear Industry can Learn from Other Industries
    Footwear Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing Under the Development of E-commerce
    Panel Discussion: How to Effective Management of Sourcing Supply Chain
Under the New Situation?
    Innovative and Advanced New Materials to Offer High Quality Footwear
    Chemical Test on Systematic Management Supply Chain
    Sustainable Development &Strategy of Shoe Factories
    3D Printing Promote Footwear Industry Development

For more details, please see:

Contact Us:
More Forum Information
Ms. Angel Xie
Tel: +86 21 6605 9539  ext 627
Mob: +8613524262406
Fax:+86 21 66052939
E-mail: angelx@ecvinternational.com

Media Contact:
Ms. Lisa Li
Tel: +86 21 6605 9539 ext 820
E-mail: lisal@ecvinternational.com


鞋业 国际峰会
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