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安思尔顺利召开“手护的承诺 安思尔高峰论坛”会议

2013-05-27 责任编辑:未填 浏览数:未显示 中贸商网-贸易商务资源网

核心提示:  向中国市场引进国际先进医用手套产品  上海--2013 年 5 月 25 日--(美国商业资讯)--全球防护用品顶尖生产商安思尔今天宣布



上海--2013 年 5 月 25 日--(美国商业资讯)--全球防护用品**生产商安思尔今天宣布顺利在上海浦东四季酒店召开“手护的承诺 安思尔高峰论坛”会议(“该会议")。是次会议荣幸获得国家卫生行政部门、上海市**医院、**医护**和学者及安思尔忠实客户的鼎力支持,吸引了众多业内机构、专业人士和多家大型媒体参与,取得了圆满的成绩!


出席会议的安思尔亚太区副总裁及市场主管温思龙 (Lennard van Soest) 表示:“我们欣喜见到众多中国医护同业和我们尊敬的客户来临本次会议。这次会议给我们提供了一个契机,将安思尔的**技术和产品分享给广大中国用户。”

出席是次会议的还有安思尔医疗研发部门副总裁 David Lucas 博士。作为行业技术**的David 分享了医用手套研究的**突破、技术优势和未来趋势,为国内的医护业界人士带来国际**的医用手套发展和趋势新资讯,广获出席人士好评。

作为一家超过 100 年历史,安思尔以澳大利亚为基地,是一家横跨亚太区、欧洲及美洲的全球性、历史悠久的公司。安思尔全球**的外科手套制造商地位,足已证明其在生产及销售防护设备上的优异表现。安思尔提供品种齐全的高品质低致敏性、乳胶和非乳胶的外科手套及无化学成分手套。我们产品符合极高的质量标准,包括:美国 FDA、欧洲 EN 标准及日本 JIS 标准。安思尔拥有值得信赖的制造工艺和可靠供应,保证用户总是能够得到极**的产品。



另外,还备有采用 AMTTM 抗菌技术的 Gammex® 无粉手套,以及针对过敏及敏感的患者而研发的无化学促进剂及无乳胶手套类型。安思尔医用手套兼具保护性、可靠性和舒适性于一体,并有良好的性价比。

安思尔中国医疗部目前向中国用户推介了八大医用和化学手套产品系列、包括:GAMMEX® (无粉)、GAMMEX® MICRO-GRIPTM (无粉)、GAMMEX® (有粉)、GAMMEX®DERMAPRENETM 、 MEDI-GRIPTM ( 无粉 ) 、 MEDI-GRIPTM ( 有粉 ) 、 VIRTEXTM 和SOL-VEX® 。


A: Mr. Lennard van Soest
Vice President, Head of Regional Marketing Asia Pacific
(Background information resource:www.ansell.com.cn)
Q: Would you please give an overview of Ansell’s business in APAC and China?
A: Ansell is a global leader in superior protection solutions designed to enhance human wellbeing. The company, which has been in operation since 1905, develops, manufactures and markets a wide range of surgical, examination, industrial and household gloves, protective clothing, condoms and female intimate care products. Ansell is a leader in the personal protective equipment and medical gloves markets, as well as in the sexual wellness category.
Ansell was established in China in 2006 and has offices in Wuhan and Shanghai. As part of our commitment to high quality and reliable protection solutions for our customers in China, Ansell expanded its medical business in China in 2010. A global leader in protection solutions, Ansell provides a wide range of medical gloves for healthcare professionals in China, including the GAMMEX® and MEDI-GRIPTM brands. In the industrial and sexual health category, HyFlex®, Jissbon® and SKYN® are some well-known Ansell brands in the market. Currently, Ansell employs over 150 people in China.
Q: What’s Ansell’s marketing strategy in APAC and China?
A: As the global market leader in surgical gloves, Ansell has also achieved market leadership position in Asia-Pacific with presence in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia and (more recently?)China. We are committed to sustaining our dominance in mature markets while aggressively penetrating into emerging ones.
In line with the company’s global strategy, we aim to position ourselves as the leader in healthcare safety and protection solutions in China. As a newcomer to the market, we will initially focus on the 3A hospitals in major cities. We will then expand to small and mid-sized hospitals in second-and third-tier cities after we have established our foothold.
Product-wise, we will focus on our MediGrip superior products and our premium brand, Gammex. At a later stage, we will diversify into other safety and protection products to expand our portfolio and further consolidate our position. Through the launch of innovative products, we aim to attain the leadership status in setting market trends.
We also seek to widen our distribution channels by forming partnerships with multiple distributors and boosting our direct sales force. On the education front, we will increase the awareness among the healthcare workers of the hazards of powdered gloves through our AnsellCares programme as well as other seminars and exhibitions.
As part of the company’s continuous efforts to nurture talent, we are committed to all-round staff development while recruiting new blood in China as our business expands. To further widen the business scope and reach of Ansell in the market, we will also actively pursue mergers and acquisitions in addition to organic growth.
Q: Would you please use several key words to describe Ansell Medical products?
A: Premium Quality, Maximum Protection, sensitivity and reliability.
Q: How do you differentiate yourself from the local medical brands and other global players?
A: Ansell gloves are produced using advanced manufacturing processes that remove latex proteins and chemical residues from the gloves, decreasing the risks of Type I & IV allergic reactions. In a survey of healthcare professionals conducted by Ansell, it was found that the most important glove attributes are that the gloves will not aggravate allergies for the medical professional (65% of respondents) or patient (63% of respondents) The GAMMEX® brand also offers Antimicrobial Technology (AMT) which provides a proprietary Antimicrobial coating (chlorhexidine gluconate) for antiviral and antibacterial action, which provides added protection to healthcare workers and patients in the case of a glove breach.
An AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) is a statistical measure of the consistency or quality predictor of manufactured goods. It determines the probability of finding pinholes in a glove. The lower the AQL, the more stringent the quality will be and the less likely for pinholes to happen. The ISO and EN standards establish an AQL for surgical gloves of 1.5. Ansell gloves are lower than this level. Our surgical gloves have an AQL of 0.65 before packaging. Our examination gloves have an AQL of 1.5 (the world standard is 2.5).
Q: What is the future plan of Ansell healthcare business in China?
A: As a recognized glove specialist, Ansell conducts an ongoing educational effort targeted at our customers. Ansell has one of the most extensive glove usage educational programs in the industry, the AnsellCares program. The AnsellCares program offers a range of educational resources and materials including brochures, training videos and posters. Our specialized sales team is also available for educational in-services on request.
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安思尔在北美、拉美/加勒比海地区、欧洲、中东和非洲以及亚洲开展业务,全球员工总数达 11,000 多名。公司在全球个人防护用品和医疗手套市场以及性健康及性生活保健用品行业占据**地位。安思尔的主营业务分为四大类:医疗解决方案、工业解决方案、特种产品市场和性健康。
安思尔中国于 2006 年成立。2010 年,安思尔扩大其在中国的医疗解决方案业务分部,为中国用户带来高品质和可靠的保护解决方案。安思尔为医疗保健专业人员提供范围广泛的高品质外科手套,并将中国第三层级的医院也列为我们尊贵的客户。安思尔在中国的员工超过 150 人。
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